Leite de INHAME | YAM milk
Esse leite de inhame aprendi com a senhora minha mãe… é delicioso e perfumado e maravilhoso para a saúde.
Esse alimento é uma benção da natureza, considerado um alimento medicinal. O inhame contém diversos fitoquímicos na composição que ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, impede a contaminação do sangue, previne diversos tipos de câncer, ótimo para controle e prevenção do Alzheimer, previne anemia pois é fonte de ferro e vitamina C; ajuda na perda de peso e possui propriedades anti-inflamatórias (o que deixa o corpo menos suscetível a acumular líquidos e toxinas, diminuindo a celulite e inchaços).
Além disso também contém fitoestrógenos e hormônios vegetais na sua composição, ajudando a combater síntomas de TPM e menopausa; estimula libido; útil para endometriose, doença fibrocística da mama e fibrose uterina; ajuda na fertilidade da mulher.
O que iremos precisar:
300 gramas de inhame cru (descascado e limpo)
800 ml de água
Um pouco de frutas secas de cor clara (para dar um adocicado no leite)
Uma opção legal aqui, ao invés de água colocar água de coco… aí tu não precisa acrescentar frutas secas.
Como fazer:
Coloque o inhame cru, em pedaços pequenos, no liquidificador. Acrescente a água (ou água de coco). Se você optar por colocar água de coco, já pode bater; se colocar água, acrescente algumas frutas secas de cor clara e coloque para bater. Bata bem no liquidificador.
Depois coe no coador. Coloque o líquido em uma jarra de vidro com tampa ou garrafa de vidro com tampa. Prontinho, já pode se deliciar com o seu leite de inhame. Sempre que for beber, mexa bem antes, ok?
ARMAZENAMENTO: Mantenha na geladeira. Dura aproximadamente 5 dias.
SUGESTÃO: Utilizar para substituir o leite convencional. Pode colocar no café, aquecer, frio, fazer vitaminas, fazer chocolate quente, fazer smoothies, fazer receitas (bolos e salgados), etc.
Feito com 💚
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I learned this yam milk from my mother… it is delicious and fragrant and wonderful for health.
This food is a blessing of nature, considered a medicinal food. The yam contains several phytochemicals in the composition that help strengthen the immune system, prevent blood contamination, prevent various types of cancer, great for the control and prevention of Alzheimer's, prevents anemia as it is a source of iron and vitamin C; it helps in weight loss and has anti-inflammatory properties (which makes the body less susceptible to accumulating fluids and toxins, decreasing cellulite and swelling).
In addition, it also contains phytoestrogens and plant hormones in its composition, helping to fight PMS and menopause symptoms; stimulates libido; useful for endometriosis, fibrocystic breast disease and uterine fibrosis; helps in women's fertility.
What we will need:
300 grams of raw yam (peeled and cleaned)
800 ml of water
A little light-colored dried fruit (to sweeten the milk)
A nice option here, instead of water, put coconut water… then you don't need to add dried fruits.
How to make:
Place the raw yam, in small pieces, in the blender. Add water (or coconut water). If you choose to add coconut water, you can beat it now; if you add water, add some light-colored dried fruit and put it to beat. Blend well in the blender.
Then strain in the colander. Pour the liquid into a glass jar with a lid or a glass bottle with a lid. Ready, you can now enjoy your yam milk. Whenever you drink, stir well before, ok?
STORAGE: Keep in the refrigerator. It lasts approximately 5 days.
TIP: Use to replace conventional milk. You can put it in the coffee, heat it, cold it, make vitamins, make hot chocolate, make smoothies, make recipes (cakes and snacks), etc.
Made with 💚
300 grams of raw yam (peeled and cleaned)
800 ml of water
A little light-colored dried fruit (to sweeten the milk)
A nice option here, instead of water, put coconut water… then you don't need to add dried fruits.
How to make:
Place the raw yam, in small pieces, in the blender. Add water (or coconut water). If you choose to add coconut water, you can beat it now; if you add water, add some light-colored dried fruit and put it to beat. Blend well in the blender.
Then strain in the colander. Pour the liquid into a glass jar with a lid or a glass bottle with a lid. Ready, you can now enjoy your yam milk. Whenever you drink, stir well before, ok?
STORAGE: Keep in the refrigerator. It lasts approximately 5 days.
TIP: Use to replace conventional milk. You can put it in the coffee, heat it, cold it, make vitamins, make hot chocolate, make smoothies, make recipes (cakes and snacks), etc.
Made with 💚
Instagram: @nutricleocoelho
Instagram video recipe
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