Queijo cremoso VEG | VEG cream cheese
Esse queijo cremoso é maravilhoso, delícia!
Você pode utilizá-lo com: torradinhas, pão, substituindo o molho branco para do seu macarrão, molho para sua salada, queijo cremoso para sua pizza… e assim vai, é uma delícia com tudo.
Um punhado de castanha de caju demolhadas por 4 horas
Inhame cozido
1 colher de sopa rasa de levedura (opcional)
3 colheres de azeite de oliva
Um pouco de água do cozimento do inhame
Sal a gosto
Deixe as castanhas de caju de molho por 4 horas, depois jogue a água fora e lave bem.
Coloque no liquidificador todos os ingredientes e bata bem. Deixe bater por uns 5 minutos, tem que bater bem.
Ajuste a consistência com a água do cozimento do inhame.
Ajuste também o sal conforme seu gosto.
Coloque em um pote de vidro fechado e mantenha na geladeira. Dura em torno de 1 semana. Vá consumindo aos poucos no seu dia a dia.
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This cream cheese is wonderful, delicious!
You can use it with: crackers, bread, replacing the white sauce for your pasta, dressing for your salad, cream cheese for your pizza… and so on, it's delicious with everything.
A handful of cashews soaked for 4 hours
Cooked yam
1 heaping tablespoon of yeast (optional)
3 tablespoons of olive oil
A little water from the yam cooking
Salt to taste
Soak the cashews for 4 hours, then throw the water away and wash them well.
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well. Let it beat for about 5 minutes, you have to beat it well.
Adjust the consistency with the yam cooking water.
Also adjust the salt to your liking.
Place in a closed glass jar and keep in the fridge. It lasts around 1 week. Consume it little by little in your daily life.
Made with 💚
Feito com 💚
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This cream cheese is wonderful, delicious!
You can use it with: crackers, bread, replacing the white sauce for your pasta, dressing for your salad, cream cheese for your pizza… and so on, it's delicious with everything.
A handful of cashews soaked for 4 hours
Cooked yam
1 heaping tablespoon of yeast (optional)
3 tablespoons of olive oil
A little water from the yam cooking
Salt to taste
Soak the cashews for 4 hours, then throw the water away and wash them well.
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well. Let it beat for about 5 minutes, you have to beat it well.
Adjust the consistency with the yam cooking water.
Also adjust the salt to your liking.
Place in a closed glass jar and keep in the fridge. It lasts around 1 week. Consume it little by little in your daily life.
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Instagram: @nutricleocoelho
Instagram video recipe
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