Organic farming is the that uses only NATURAL fertilizers!

Natural fertilizers:
  • Green adubation
  • Composting
  • Biological control of pests and diseases

DO NOT use - totally exclude:
  • Synthetic soluble fertilizers
  • Pesticides
  • Growth regulators and additives feed
  • Synthetic compounds
  • Transgenic

Organic production:
  • Work in harmony with nature!
  • It seeks to maintain soil structure and productivity.
  • It has no impact on biodiversity.
  • Theres is no major deforestation to transform into production.
  • It encourages small producers, small farmers.
  • Specific production techniques - through optimization of natural resources and available socioeconomics.
  • It respect the cultural integrity of rural communities.
  • Economic sustainability.
  • Environmental/ecological sustainability.
  • AGROECOLOGY principles - preserving soil, water, air and other natural resources.
  • Maximization of social benefits.

All product must be regulated. Each country has its specific standards, which determined an organic food. For food to be market it must have a regulatory label. The small producer undergoes a process of inspection to receive this label. The label is the guarantee that the consumer has that the producer has followed every step during the production of organic food.

Organic foods are foods from plants or animals, free from pesticides or any other type of chemicals. The animal to be organic must be fed only with organic food, otherwise the animal will not be considered organic food. Non-organic foods receive loads of pesticides that change the structure of the food and consequently it will change the biological and chemical structure of the animal and consequently it will change the structure of the human body.

It uses the AGROECOLOGICAL principle - preserving soil, water, air and other natural resources, contributing to a sustainable development. AGROECOLOGY is a new approach that integrates scientifics knowledge (agronomic, veterinary, zootechnical, ecological, social, economic and anthropological) to popular knowledge, for understanding, evaluation and implementation of agriculture systems, with a view to sustainability. It is not just a specific farming practice or a production system. It is scientifically proven!

One of the great problems of organic production is that it is not very large (yet) and the price is higher than industrialized foods and full of agrochemicals. Production is still small but it is small because demand is still small, few people who already have well matured food awareness… but this is changing a lot. When more and more people look for something in the market, the greater the production, because the market wants to answer the demand. It is logical! So if we consume more and more organic foods, the production will increase and consequently the prince will decrease, we consumers have this great power in our hands. It is a matter of changing our consciousness for the market to change.


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