Yummy, simple, easy, practical and full of flavor recipe.

What you will need:

1 cup of cooked and smashed arracachas
½ cup of sweet polvilho
½ cup of sour polvilho
2 soup spoon of coconut oil
2 soup spoon of chia
2 soup spoon of linseed flour
Salt to taste

Step 1:
Wash well the arracachas with a luffa sponge to clean them. Cut edges and discard. Do not peel, only cut off the tips (the edges). Slice the rest of arracachas and place in a pan with water to cook. Let them cook until they are soft. Remove the arracachas from the pan and reserve the broth oh the cooking.

Step 2:
Still with the hot arracachas, smashed them very well. You can use a fork to smashed them. Let them cool.

Step 3:
In a bowl, put all the ingredients listed e mix well. Mix by hands, kneading. Now attention… gradually add the broth of the arracachas cooking, add a small amount each time so as not to lose the dough point (it is very little broth that will be necessary, add a little and mash and look with you have reached the point). The point of the mass is when the mass becomes homogeneous, desegregate of your hands and of the bowl, it is a soft and firm dough.

Step 4:
Make little balls and put them in a non-stick or silicone form and take to the freezer. After frozen, remove from the form and place in a container of your choice to keep in the freezer.

Step 5:
When you get hungry, just take out some balls and put in a non-stick form and take them to the oven to bake.

** You can substitute the arracachas for sweet potatoes, for cassava... following the same proportions. **



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