Yummy, simple, easy, practical and full of flavor recipe. What you will need: 1 cup of cooked and smashed arracachas ½ cup of sweet polvilho ½ cup of sour polvilho 2 soup spoon of coconut oil 2 soup spoon of chia 2 soup spoon of linseed flour Salt to taste Step 1: Wash well the arracachas with a luffa sponge to clean them. Cut edges and discard. Do not peel, only cut off the tips (the edges). Slice the rest of arracachas and place in a pan with water to cook. Let them cook until they are soft. Remove the arracachas from the pan and reserve the broth oh the cooking. Step 2: Still with the hot arracachas, smashed them very well. You can use a fork to smashed them. Let them cool. Step 3: In a bowl, put all the ingredients listed e mix well. Mix by hands, kneading. Now attention… gradually add the broth of the arracachas cooking, add a small amount each time so as not to lose the dough point (it is very little broth that will be necessary, add...