Let's understand where it all started, so we can know each other better...

A long time ago, on the Earth planet... appeared the HUMAN BEING, better known as the MAN, yes I, you, all of us… our beginning on this wonderful planet.

How was that?

On planet Earth, lived several different types of animals, all together, in the jungle, in their kingdoms (mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, amphibians, insects, arachnids, and so on) and with theirs respective groups. So, a kind of animal … MONKEY breed which began to stand out more than other animals, began to do some different things that other animals could do not… what we call MONKEY EVOLUTION.

So, let's understand how this evolution happened, a summary:
    • 70 millions years ago
    • Mammals, small size, inhabited trees and forests. They feed on leaves and insects.
      • 22 to 14 millions years ago.
      • Size of a small gorilla, lived in trees, descend to the ground, walked on 4 legs.
    • KENYAPITHECUS (descendant of the Proconsul)
      • Some times, straighten your body and could walk on only 2 legs, their hind legs.
  • HOMINIDS the HUMAN BEING begins to appear
      • About 3 million years ago.
      • It was taller than the Chimpanzee, walked on two feet, long arms to hang on the trees. Foods from trees and shrubs.
      • About 3 and 1 million years ago.
      • Walked erect and used his hands to collect fruits from trees and shrubs and throw stones to slaughter animals. 
  • HOMO HABILIS (First HOMO = Man)
    • About 2,2 millions til 780 thousand years ago.
    • They made simple stone instruments - weapons to hunt (spears poisoned, fishing net, bows and arrows). They built huts, and maybe, developed a rudimentary language. Traces found only in Africa.
  • HOMO ERECTUS - Homo Habilis descending (Second HOMO = Man)
    • About 1,8 millions til 300 thousand years ago.
    • He left Africa and went to Europe, Asia and Oceania. They made more complex stone instruments and  they covered their body with animal skin (dress begins to appear). They lived in groups of 20 to 30 members (need to belong to a group). They developed more sophisticated language,  discovered FIRE!
  • HOMEM NEANDERTHAL - Homo Erectus descendent (Third Homo = Man)
    • About 200 and 30 thousand years ago.
    • More skilled, created tools, weapons and shelters more sophisticated - using animals bones as raw material. They buried the dead in caves with flowers and objects. They lived with the modern man and disappeared without explanation.
  • HOMEM SAPIENS (Fourth Homo = Man)
    • 100 to 50 thousand years ago. 
    • They are the modern men, spread all over the planet earth. They left several instruments of stone, bones and ivories
Now we can understand some things… first is that WE ARE MAMMALS!

To understand very well, let's go deeper...

What is… BE MAMMALS?
  • Animals that lived in societies/groups. 
  • They take car of puppies until become independent.
  • They have hair on the body - varying the quantity according to the species.
  • The females have mammary gland for production of milk to breastfeed their puppies.  
  • Body is supported by a fully ossified endoskeleton with head, trunk and four paws (except cetaceans = aquatic animals).
  • They have 5 toes in paws, in quadrupedal species (who walk in four legs, which are the majority), in biped species (who stands erect, walks on two feet = kangaroo and man).
  • The mammal's trunk has ribs, forming a rib cage, which allows the respiratory system to have the diaphragm.
  • Pulmonary breathing (even with the aquatic).
  • Circulatory system is closed, including the heart with four chambers. There is no mixing of venous and arterial blood.
  • Nervous system is highly complex and the most advanced.
  • The mammalians brain is proportionately larger than all other animals, allowing greater intelligence.
  • Reproduction: 
    • There are males and females, so reproduction is sexed.
    • Most of the mammals have defined reproduction periods, that is, times that favor the origin of puppies.
    • Fecundation of mammals is internal, inside the mother's belly. After birth, the puppies receive milk from the mother, which is originated by mammary glands.
    • Gestation time and number of puppies varies according to specie.
  • Living environment:
    • Mammals are classified as aquatic, terrestrial and aerial.
    • Aquatic mammals (water): orca whale, cow-fish, dolphin, humpback whale, blue whale, boto, sea lion, otter and seal.
    • Terrestrial mammals (land): being human, dogs, giraffe, lion, tiger, monkey, bull, bear,  anteater, fox, cat, ounce, camel, sheep.
    • Aerial mammals (air): the bats.
  • Mammals feeding:
    • Carnivores: They have  well developed canine teeth and  your diet is based in consumption of proteins and lipids. Examples: fox, dog, ounce and lion.
    • Herbivores: They have rudimentary or absent canine teeth and well developed molars. They eat vegetables and present adaptations for cellulose digestion. Exemples: hippo, giraffe, bull, kangaroo and zebra.
    • Omnivores: They present the most diversified diet, feeding on animal and plant sources. Exemples: bears and pigs.
Come on, let's think... follow the thought...
  1. We are descendants of monkeys, evolution of one of the monkey breeds! Monkeys are mammals, so we are mammals!
  2. Our human body is similar to all characteristics of a mammal being! 
  3. We walk on two feet, then we are bipedal mammals!
  4. We live walking on land, we breath air, so we are terrestrial bipedal mammals!
  5. Now that we have come this far we have to analyze the FOOD... if we are descendants of monkeys, specifically HOMINIDS (prehistory)...
  6. What did they eat? HOMINIDS = they ate fruits from trees and shrubs and plant = vegetables.
  • Man x Carnivores:
    • Do we have sharp canines like those of carnivores, like a lion, a wolf, a dog, etc.?  
    • Can we jump on the neck of a prey and tear the neck with our canines?
    • Can our canines pierce and tear another animal's skin?
    • Do we have the agility, the spreed of them to run ater prey?
    • Do we have claws to attack our prey?
    • Can our teeth tear, grind raw meat?
    • Can our body do the digestion of raw meat?
  • Man x Herbivores:
    • Do we have rudimentary canines in out mouth?
    • Do we have well defined molars? 
    • Can we metabolize plants fibers?
Following the reasoning? So, we are herbivorous terrestrial bipedal mammals! Our body was made to eat vegetables food, to process vegetables! Do you got it?

Our body is something spectacular... it adapts! So over de years our body has been adjusting to our food choices, it is very intelligent, it adapts quickly to that situation, but worth remembering... every choice has a consequence, be it possible or negative, but always it will. Maybe our body adapts to processing some food in the short term... and a long term, how will it react? How has this been happening? Will it hold? Have you stopped to see how the body reacts to food?

Did the great evolution of HOMO happen because of the type of food that they had at the time?

Was the plant based food/nutrition the main reason which boosted the development of our body and our brain... the evolution?

How much does our food drive us to develop more or destroy more... live or die slowly? Think about it!

We can be the next extinct breed if we do not take the responsibility of our lives, our choices, our attitudes.



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