Do you know that BEING AWARE is one of the most powerful tools for self-transformation?

BEING AWARE means having the ability to really see things as they are, without influence and interference of our personal preferences, imaginations or beliefs that we are acquiring throughout our living.

So come on, if BEING AWARE is seeing things as they really are, so what does this have to do with FOOD AWARENESS?

There is exactly everything… FOOD AWARENESS is you having the ability to understand your relationship with your food. It is a very broad and deep subject. It is knowing your body, self-knowledge, and knowing how the food interacts with it.

What do you like to eat? Why do you like this food? Why do you eat it?

What do not you like to eat? Why do not you like to eat? Is it the smell? Is it the texture? Does not it enchant your eyes? Is it the way it was prepared?

Are you sure that you don't like? Have you tried eating that same food in different ways? Different forms of preparation? Prepared by different people and different spices?

Does the food do you feel good? How does your body feel or respond when you eat that food? Do you feel bloated? Do you feel lazy? Do you feel willing?

How does your mind react to that food? Do you feel more focused or forgetful? Do you have trouble memorizing things?

How do you choose your food? Where does your food come? How was it made? How was your food planted? How was your food treated? Does your food come from plantations that apply doses and more doses of pesticides or come from plantations that take care with food, taking care of the earth, without any pesticide… or come from local farms?

How YOUR CHOICE for food interferes in your health, in your life, in other people's life, in animal's life, in the life of nature, in the life of planet, in your physical and spiritual life?

What is the nutritional value of the food?

What is the best way to prepare the food?

How should I handle food?

How should I store food?

What is the food for?

So many questions!!!

The FOOD AWARENESS is very broad and deep...

Actually, the people get stuck on diets, end up becoming alienated to this. Will you live on diet for the rest of your life? That's it? Nowadays we have so many fad diets, I have already been on the skin myself, I have tried some, after all, I really wanted what was so miraculous about on that "diet", what was the miraculous supplement, what was the miraculous manipulation, I have fallen into some "fairy tale".

People have unlearned or even learned to think with their own minds to how nourish theirs bodies and minds. They are too busy to search informations, they do not want to have trouble to think because life is too rush and after that, there in front, the pay a too expensive price for it, many times they pay with illness and even death. People are dying slowly, each day a little more, because of the food they put from the mouth in.

The most of people don't want to know the truth, if allowed to be totally manipulated by people who do not have the knowledge and understanding of the subject, ir allowed to be manipulated by everything that is posted in the media, in advertisements… wins who has the power to speak more beautiful, the coolest post, if allowed to be manipulated by the industries that their greater objective is only to aim profits.

People have no idea how much their food is devastating the planet, exterminating animals and plants, destroying with nature, contaminating rivers, contaminating our land, altering our genetics… may even lead us to become the next dying breed.

The food, your food, has to be SUSTAINABLE. Sustainable for you, that you can definitely understand and apply in your daily life, no worries, no restrictions, no manipulations. It has to be sustainable for everyone around you, all beings. It has to be sustainable for the planet.

The fact is that our current power supply system is broken! It did not work and it is not working! Many and many evidences area already on display, easily accessible.

Let's awaken your consciousness and awaken that of the others around you?




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