CONSCIOUS CONSUMPTION or SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION is a habit and habit is developed! You do not wake up one day to the next ready, knowing everything. You learn, you change the way you think, you put into practice and repeat this several times to do better and better the new skill.
The conscious consumption makes you think, makes you question, makes you think about WHY and the form HOW you consume. When you buy something, you analyse what is the impact that what you are buying has in society, has in your health, has in nature, has in the economy, has in the lives of other people and other beings, the impact it has on the planet! EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED!
Let's think about...
Where does your food come from?
How was it planted? How was it produced?
How has been treated the animal you eat before it turns your food?
Do you really need to eat some kind of animal?
What consequences will it have for the world, society, economy, health if you consume that food?
What benefits will it bring you?
Do you really need it?
Do you reuse the packaging that came with food?
Do you take your shopping bag?
Do you make your shopping list?
These are just a few questions to reflect on, but the most important is to think about the answers that we give to these questions. We need to be aware of the real need we consume and the possibles impacts that a purchase can cause.
We have to change the way we think! We have to change our habit urgently! As we have already said, habits care developed! We can develop, you can develop!
Let us together develop new habits to build better days?