7 Benefícios da BATATA ROXA | 7 Benefits of PURPLE POTATO
Batatas roxas são as jóias preciosas do corredor das batatas. Algumas variedades comuns incluem Purple Peru, Purple Majesty, All Blue, Congo, Adirondack Blue, Purple Fiesta e Vitelotte. Elas têm uma textura mais densa e um sabor ligeiramente mais nozes e terroso do que as batatas brancas.
Batatas roxas são uma forma saborosa de adicionar um toque de cor ao seu prato enquanto desfruta de uma porção de benefícios para a saúde.
1 - Altamente nutritivos
Todas as batatas, incluindo as roxas, são bastante nutritivas e fornecem uma variedade de nutrientes tanto na casca quanto na polpa. Eles são especialmente ricos em minerais e possuem mais potássio do que uma banana (1, 2, 3, 4).
2 - Bom para açúcar no sangue
Comer batata roxa em vez de batata branca é uma boa medida quando se observa o açúcar no sangue. Embora o amido da batata roxa aumente o açúcar no sangue, isso ocorre em menor proporção do que o amido das variedades amarela ou branca (5, 6).
3 - Pacote de antioxidantes
Comer batata roxa pode aumentar a ingestão de antioxidantes e reduzir a inflamação. Eles são especialmente ricos em antocianinas, que são compostos antioxidantes associados à melhoria da saúde dos olhos e do coração, bem como a um menor risco de doenças crônicas.
Como outras frutas e vegetais coloridos, a cor brilhante das batatas roxas é um sinal revelador de que elas são ricas em antioxidantes. Na verdade, elas têm duas a três vezes mais atividade antioxidante do que as batatas brancas ou amarelas (7).
A batata roxa é especialmente rica em antioxidantes polifenóis chamados antocianinas. Eles são o mesmo tipo de antioxidante encontrado em mirtilos e amoras (3, 7, 8).
Uma maior ingestão de antocianinas está ligada a vários benefícios, incluindo níveis mais saudáveis de colesterol, visão e saúde ocular melhoradas e risco reduzido de doenças cardíacas, certos tipos de câncer e diabetes (7, 8).
Além de seu alto teor de antocianina, a batata roxa contém outros antioxidantes comuns a todos os tipos de batata, incluindo (9):
- vitamina C
- compostos carotenóides
- selênio
- tirosina
- compostos polifenólicos como ácido caféico, escopolamina, ácido clorogênico e ácido ferúlico
Outro estudo em homens que comeram 5,3 onças (150 gramas) de batatas de cores diferentes a cada dia durante 6 semanas observou que o grupo da batata roxa tinha níveis mais baixos de marcadores inflamatórios e marcadores de danos no DNA, em comparação com o grupo da batata branca (10).
4 - Melhora a pressão sanguínea
Descobriu-se que a batata roxa melhora a pressão arterial. Esse efeito pode estar relacionado aos compostos antioxidantes polifenólicos, que atuam de maneira semelhante a alguns medicamentos para baixar a pressão arterial (9, 11, 12).
Os compostos polifenóis da batata roxa e de muitos outros alimentos reduzem a pressão arterial de maneira semelhante à de alguns tipos de medicamentos para baixar a pressão arterial, conhecidos como inibidores da enzima conversora de angiotensina (ACE) (12).
5 - Ajuda a reduzir o risco de câncer
Alguns dos compostos da batata roxa podem retardar o crescimento - ou até matar - certas células cancerosas. A pesquisa atual é limitada a estudos de laboratório, então não se sabe se adicionar batata roxa à sua dieta afeta o risco de câncer (13, 14).
6 - Rica em fibra
Adicionar batatas roxas à sua dieta pode ajudar a aumentar a ingestão de fibras e adicionar um pouco de amido resistente e saudável para o intestino à sua dieta. Para colher os maiores benefícios das fibras, coma-as com a pele e cozinhe com antecedência, comendo geladas, como em uma salada (15, 16, 3).
7 - Ilumina o seu prato
Você pode usar batatas roxas da mesma forma que usaria variedades brancas, amarelas ou vermelhas.
Use-as para fazer purê de batatas ou assadas e adicione seus recheios favoritos para um acompanhamento que todos vão querer experimentar.
Se você gosta deles crocantes como batatas fritas, corte-os em fatias, misture-os com azeite, alho picado e alecrim e asse a 400 ° F (204 ° C) por cerca de 20 minutos ou até que estejam macios.
Para colher os benefícios de seu amido resistente, use batatas roxas para fazer salada de batata.
Deixe as cascas, corte-as em pedaços e ferva-as até ficarem macias. Em seguida, escorra e misture com cebolas em rodelas finas, um punhado de ervas frescas picadas e um pouco de molho vinagrete Dijon. Leve à geladeira e sirva frio.
Batatas roxas são um membro saudável e colorido da família da batata que vale a pena conhecer.
Você pode prepará-los da mesma forma que faria com batatas de polpa branca ou amarela, mas se trocá-los, você terá alguns benefícios para a saúde.
Em comparação com as batatas normais, elas têm um índice glicêmico (IG) mais baixo e podem ser melhores para o açúcar no sangue.
Muitos de seus benefícios à saúde, incluindo aqueles relacionados à pressão arterial e à proteção contra o câncer, derivam de seu conteúdo de antocianinas - antioxidantes importantes que são abundantes nessas batatas coloridas, que vem da cor roxa.
* * *
Purple potatoes are the gems of the potato aisle. Some common varieties include Purple Peru, Purple Majesty, All Blue, Congo, Adirondack Blue, Purple Fiesta and Vitelotte.
They have a denser texture and a slightly more nutty and earthy flavor than white potatoes.
Purple potatoes are a tasty way to add a splash of color to your plate while enjoying a host of health benefits.
1 - Highly nutritious
They have a denser texture and a slightly more nutty and earthy flavor than white potatoes.
Purple potatoes are a tasty way to add a splash of color to your plate while enjoying a host of health benefits.
1 - Highly nutritious
All potatoes, including purple ones, are very nutritious and provide a variety of nutrients in both the skin and flesh. They are especially rich in minerals and have more potassium than a banana (1, 2, 3, 4).
2 - Good for blood sugar
Eating purple potatoes instead of white potatoes is a good measure when looking at your blood sugar. Although purple potato starch raises blood sugar, it does so to a lesser extent than starch from the yellow or white varieties (5, 6).
3 - Antioxidant pack
Eating purple potatoes can increase your intake of antioxidants and reduce inflammation. They are especially rich in anthocyanins, which are antioxidant compounds associated with improved eye and heart health, as well as a lower risk of chronic disease.
Like other colorful fruits and vegetables, the bright color of purple potatoes is a telltale sign that they are rich in antioxidants. In fact, they have two to three times more antioxidant activity than white or yellow potatoes (7).
Purple potatoes are especially rich in polyphenol antioxidants called anthocyanins. They are the same type of antioxidant found in blueberries and blackberries (3, 7, 8).
An increased intake of anthocyanins is linked to several benefits, including healthier cholesterol levels, improved vision and eye health, and reduced risk of heart disease, certain cancers and diabetes (7, 8).
2 - Good for blood sugar
Eating purple potatoes instead of white potatoes is a good measure when looking at your blood sugar. Although purple potato starch raises blood sugar, it does so to a lesser extent than starch from the yellow or white varieties (5, 6).
3 - Antioxidant pack
Eating purple potatoes can increase your intake of antioxidants and reduce inflammation. They are especially rich in anthocyanins, which are antioxidant compounds associated with improved eye and heart health, as well as a lower risk of chronic disease.
Like other colorful fruits and vegetables, the bright color of purple potatoes is a telltale sign that they are rich in antioxidants. In fact, they have two to three times more antioxidant activity than white or yellow potatoes (7).
Purple potatoes are especially rich in polyphenol antioxidants called anthocyanins. They are the same type of antioxidant found in blueberries and blackberries (3, 7, 8).
An increased intake of anthocyanins is linked to several benefits, including healthier cholesterol levels, improved vision and eye health, and reduced risk of heart disease, certain cancers and diabetes (7, 8).
In addition to its high anthocyanin content, purple potatoes contain other antioxidants common to all types of potatoes, including (9):
- vitamin C
- carotenoid compounds
- selenium
- tyrosine
- polyphenolic compounds such as caffeic acid, scopolamine, chlorogenic acid and ferulic acid
A small study of eight people found that loading up on a whole meal of purple potatoes increased their levels of antioxidants in their blood and urine. In contrast, eating a similar amount of refined potato starch in the form of biscuits caused a decrease (9).
Another study in men who ate 5.3 ounces (150 grams) of different colored potatoes each day for 6 weeks found that the purple potato group had lower levels of inflammatory markers and DNA damage markers compared to the white potato group (10).
4 - Improves blood pressure
The purple potato has been found to improve blood pressure. This effect may be related to polyphenolic antioxidant compounds, which act similarly to some medications to lower blood pressure (9, 11, 12).
Polyphenol compounds in purple potatoes and many other foods lower blood pressure in a similar way to some types of blood pressure lowering drugs known as angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (12).
5 - Helps reduce the risk of cancer
Some of the compounds in purple potatoes can slow the growth of - or even kill - certain cancer cells. Current research is limited to laboratory studies, so it is not known whether adding purple potatoes to your diet affects your cancer risk (13, 14).
6 - Rich in fiber
Adding purple potatoes to your diet can help increase your fiber intake and add some gut-healthy, resistant starch to your diet. To reap the greatest benefits from fiber, eat it with the skin and cook it in advance, eating it ice-cold, like a salad (15, 16, 3).
7 - Light your plate
You can use purple potatoes the same way you would use white, yellow or red varieties.
Another study in men who ate 5.3 ounces (150 grams) of different colored potatoes each day for 6 weeks found that the purple potato group had lower levels of inflammatory markers and DNA damage markers compared to the white potato group (10).
4 - Improves blood pressure
The purple potato has been found to improve blood pressure. This effect may be related to polyphenolic antioxidant compounds, which act similarly to some medications to lower blood pressure (9, 11, 12).
Polyphenol compounds in purple potatoes and many other foods lower blood pressure in a similar way to some types of blood pressure lowering drugs known as angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (12).
5 - Helps reduce the risk of cancer
Some of the compounds in purple potatoes can slow the growth of - or even kill - certain cancer cells. Current research is limited to laboratory studies, so it is not known whether adding purple potatoes to your diet affects your cancer risk (13, 14).
6 - Rich in fiber
Adding purple potatoes to your diet can help increase your fiber intake and add some gut-healthy, resistant starch to your diet. To reap the greatest benefits from fiber, eat it with the skin and cook it in advance, eating it ice-cold, like a salad (15, 16, 3).
7 - Light your plate
You can use purple potatoes the same way you would use white, yellow or red varieties.
Use them to make mashed potatoes or baked potatoes and add your favorite fillings for a side everyone will want to try.
If you like them crunchy like French fries, cut them into slices, mix them with oil, minced garlic and rosemary and bake at 400°F (204°C) for about 20 minutes or until tender.
To reap the benefits of your resistant starch, use purple potatoes to make potato salad.
Leave the skins, cut them into pieces and boil them until soft. Then drain and mix with thinly sliced onions, a handful of chopped fresh herbs and a little Dijon vinaigrette. Refrigerate and serve cold.
Purple potatoes are a healthy and colorful member of the potato family that is well worth knowing.
You can prepare them the same way you would make white or yellow flesh potatoes, but if you change them, you'll have some health benefits.
Compared to normal potatoes, they have a lower glycemic index (GI) and may be better for your blood sugar.
Many of its health benefits, including those related to blood pressure and protection against cancer, derive from its content of anthocyanins - important antioxidants that are abundant in these colored potatoes, which come in purple.
Instagram: @nutricleocoelho
Fontes | research source:
1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17227067
2 https://naldc.nal.usda.gov/download/37634/PDF
3 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12230-018-09705-4
4 https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/170438/nutrients
5 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24577454/
6 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31466303
7 http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
8 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5613902/
9 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22224463
10 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21106930
11 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6096904/
12 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26926184
13 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25420792
14 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23313609
15 https://health.gov/dietaryguidelines/2015/guidelines/
16 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6267054/
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